Gay Disgrace Flag Stolen, Flagpole Vandalized at University of Maine.
(too old to reply)
(¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.TravelForPay.org>
2011-08-01 00:54:51 UTC
[[[ DISREGARD the LYING and HATEFUL subject header above,
written by a Submoronic Bigot who calls Itself "Bill Taylor"
and a Plethora of Sockpuppets. The ACTUAL article below
REPLACES the one containing his hateful FORGERIES! ]]] --

On Mon, 1 Aug 2011 10:06:08 +1000,
(¯`·.¸ Craig Chilton ¸.·´¯)
<His *forged* CRAP has been flushed.
The original article is provided below.> ---
Keep posting...
...the TRUTH, and the FACTS that undermine and devastate
the hate-agendas of LOWLIFE bigots.

Trust me on that -- I WILL !!! Constantly!! In MANY ways.
of which Usenet is only just one of them.

For as long as it takes for ALL of those loathsome agendas lie
down at the bottom of the Drain of EXTINCTION alongside those
of the segregationists -- *never* to be heard from again.

You can COUNT on it!! See SIG at the end of this post.

Remainder of previous post follows:

= = = = = = = = =


Reassemble this, if necessary:


Gay Pride Flag Stolen, Flagpole Vandalized,
at University of Maine

This week the University of Maine kicked off its annual LGBTQ Pride
Week with the raising of a rainbow flag in the school's mall. Shortly
thereafter, someone bent the flag pole, ripped off the flag, and
stole it.

[[[ Thus providing society that BIGOTS are POND SCUM, and
that their hate-agendas need to be sent down the Drain
of EXTINCTION to join those of the segregationists, never
to be heard from again -- ASAP!! ]]]

The Maine Campus reports:

According to a post from group member and fifth-year psychology
student Charles Chapin on the “Announcements & Alerts” folder of
the university's FirstClass network, there [was] another flag-raising
ceremony at 12 p.m. Tuesday.

“This act of vandalism, at first, may seem like some drunken joke.
The truth of the matter is that whether or not the perpetrators know
this, this is an attack on a group of students and an entire community,”
Chapin wrote. “Please come out and show everyone that UMaine will
not stand for this type of intolerance. We hope to see you all there.”

The flag is raised for one week during every semester — in the fall for
“Coming Out Week” and in the spring for Pride Week.

More from:



Something similar happened at my undergrad university here in Ontario --
twice. The police and university's response? "Maybe it was a queer
student who wanted the flag for themselves."

-- Posted by: Andrew F | Apr 14, 2011 11:06:56 AM

Hmm. The Christians are at it again.

-- Posted by: Danny | Apr 14, 2011 11:23:17 AM

[[[ Actually, that would be the loathsome RRR Cultists, who
are about as UN-Christian as people can get! SEE:


http://www.Egalitarian.biz/USA-Chr-Non-Relig--1990-2008-2026Proj.html ]]]

Fascinating the level of hate and stupidity being displayed almost routine-
ly on American college campuses lately. Maybe our nation needs fewer
colleges and better students? Education may help to overcome ignorance,
but you just can't fix stupid. And we have a lot of stupid in this country,
both on and off college campuses.

-- Posted by: Bob R | Apr 14, 2011 12:03:13 PM

May be hate, may just be stupid kids thinking that they are funny to cause
ruckus. In any case, it's not funny whatsoever, and I hope the people who
committed this act are caught.

-- Posted by: Francis | Apr 14, 2011 2:27:00 PM

I can't figure out why cameras are not trained on these displays immedi-
ately after putting them up. Once, just once, I'd like to see these vandals
(assholes) caught red-handed regardless if it's a stupid frat-boy joke or
not, and see someone get expelled and held accountable for their actions.
I guess we just don't bother anymore.

-- Posted by: christopher | Apr 14, 2011 2:38:27 PM

The fact that it happened before should of been considered. Like flying the
flag from the roof of the main campus building.The person or persons who
committed this act, may have thought that the Flag was some kind of trophy.
It is not, and should be thought of for what it is.. a symbol of Gay Pride.
I recommend, for next year Gay Pride Flag armbands be given to all students
and faculty to show their respect for fellow gays on campus by wearing them
during PRIDE WEEK.

-- Posted by: Jerry Pritikin aka The Bleacher Preacher |4-15-11.

[[[ That last sentence, above, is a GREAT suggestion -- to enable
the student body to EMPHASIZE their *solidarity* in behalf of
common sense and FAIRNESS! ]]]

SIG ---

When ALL of the FACTS Support the Egalitarians...
and NO Facts Even EXIST to Support the Bigots...
the Raising of Society's Consciousness to the SPECIOUSNESS
of the Bigots' Agendas Reaches Critical Mass...
and Permanent EXTINCTION of the Hate-Agendas is the Result!

EVERY Single Time!

On Fri, 22 Jul 2011 05:12:29 +1000,
"RamRod, Sword of Baal" <***@truthonly.com> wrote:


(Reassemble URL in browser if the above becomes shortened.) ---

New York, NY (September 27, 2010): Archie Comics' teen sensation
Kevin Keller-- the first gay character in Archie Comics' line of books --
has been welcomed enthusiastically by Versace, the New York Times,
and fans from every corner of the world.
To celebrate the SOLD-OUT first printing of Kevin Keller's debut issue,
Veronica #202, Archie Comics is going back to the press for a special
limited edition variant cover print run of Veronica #202.

Last year, the awesome minds behind the Archie comics introduced
its first openly gay character to the series, named Kevin Keller, and to
say that he's become quite popular with readers and the LGBT commu-
nity alike is a pretty big understatement!
IN fact, feedback has been so positive that Kevin will be getting his
own monthly comic book, starting next February! [2012.]
Good show, in both cases!

These moves will FURTHER bolster consciousness-raising by society to
the TRUTH -- that all of the sexual orientations are INDEED merely TRIVIAL
variations of NORMALCY that people are BORN with, just like handedness,
race, and eye color.

Which in turn will FURTHER bolster society's REVULSION to the hateful,
ignorant, irrational, and sociopathic BIGOTS who moronically disparage,
discriminate against,or publicly advocate discriminate against LGBTs for
absolutely NO good reason. Causing society to REJECT their hate-agen-
das, want NOTHING to do with the bigots -- and to *regard* those losers
as the PARIAHS that they truly are.

Some years ago, a black character (named Clayton, if I recall correctly)
was added to the Archie lineup to make the same point, and he was publicly
received with received with similar enthusiasm.

EVERY instance of such consciousness-raising, no matter how small
or how large, is a building block to a new, impenetrable wall that will
forever protect society from a given form of irrational bigotry, to prevent
that form of it from EVER re-emerging to INFEST society.

Another example of a MAJOR building block in that hugely-beneficial
barrier was provided on June 24, 2011 when New York State reaffirmed
that there was NO valid reason to continue the hateful *exclusion* of
same-sex couples from marriage, and the subsequent enthusiastic cele-
brations that followed. Including THIS:



RAISING society's concsiousness to the the fact that hate-agendas
are TOXIC to it is the KEY to rendering the hate=agendas extinct. This
is accomplished in TWO ways:

(1) Clearly and publicly presenting the FACTS that support the
innocent people being targeted by disparagement and big-
otry, which prove that there is NO valid reason for treating
those folks in that manner. WHILE making it clear that the
bigots have NO facts on their side, whatsoever.

(2) By the doltish bigots, *themselves*, making complete fools
of themselves by PROVING that they have nothing but
VACUOUS "arguments," lies, scare tactics, and propaganda
to work with. (Causing people to realize that the bigots are
lowlifes that they would want to have NO association with.)


-- Craig Chilton (E-Mail me if you wish, from top 6 websites below.)

http://www.LayoffRemedy.com -- Unemployment Solution!
http://www.ChristianEgalitarian.com -- Fight the hateful RRR Cult!
http://apifar.blogspot.com -- Tactics: Defending Human Rights
http://pro-christian.blogspot.com -- Exposing RRR Cult Bigotry
http://www.shadowandillusion.com -- Learn "The LOPAQUA Secret!"
http://www.TravelForPay.org -- BRAND-NEW 2011 Edition!
http://www.rhrealitycheck.org/print/14481 -- Excellent article!
http://base8.lavenderliberal.com/index.html -- Searchable Database
of the Proposition Hate (8) ENEMIES of Human Rights! KNOW the
enemies... and then HARASS and BOYCOTT the enemies, as much
as it is legally possible to do so!
Bill Taylor
2011-08-01 06:58:06 UTC
"(¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <TravelForGay.org>"
written by a Submoronic Bigot who
calls Itself "(¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) " ]]]
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
<His *forged* CRAP has been flushed.
Keep posting your demented bullshit to promote killing of our unborn
children while Moslems are breading like cocroaches and populating the
What a brainfucked USA trator you are !!!
That's Craig in a nutshell, or "nut's hell" as the case may be.
(¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.TravelForPay.org>
2011-08-01 10:18:22 UTC
[[[ DISREGARD the LYING and HATEFUL subject header above,
written by a Submoronic Bigot who calls Itself "Bill Taylor"
and a Plethora of Sockpuppets. The ACTUAL article below
REPLACES the one containing his hateful FORGERIES! ]]] --

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

On Sun, 31 Jul 2011 15:30:05 +0200,
(aka "Leroy Blue") <***@zoomcom.ca>
PARROTED and Partially FORGED:

<His *forged* CRAP has been flushed.
The original article is provided below.> ---


Reassemble this, if necessary:


Gay Pride Flag Stolen, Flagpole Vandalized,
at University of Maine

This week the University of Maine kicked off its annual LGBTQ Pride
Week with the raising of a rainbow flag in the school's mall. Shortly
thereafter, someone bent the flag pole, ripped off the flag, and
stole it.

[[[ Thus providing society that BIGOTS are POND SCUM, and
that their hate-agendas need to be sent down the Drain
of EXTINCTION to join those of the segregationists, never
to be heard from again -- ASAP!! ]]]

The Maine Campus reports:

According to a post from group member and fifth-year psychology
student Charles Chapin on the “Announcements & Alerts” folder of
the university's FirstClass network, there [was] another flag-raising
ceremony at 12 p.m. Tuesday.

“This act of vandalism, at first, may seem like some drunken joke.
The truth of the matter is that whether or not the perpetrators know
this, this is an attack on a group of students and an entire community,”
Chapin wrote. “Please come out and show everyone that UMaine will
not stand for this type of intolerance. We hope to see you all there.”

The flag is raised for one week during every semester — in the fall for
“Coming Out Week” and in the spring for Pride Week.

More from:



Something similar happened at my undergrad university here in Ontario --
twice. The police and university's response? "Maybe it was a queer
student who wanted the flag for themselves."

-- Posted by: Andrew F | Apr 14, 2011 11:06:56 AM

Hmm. The Christians are at it again.

-- Posted by: Danny | Apr 14, 2011 11:23:17 AM

[[[ Actually, that would be the loathsome RRR Cultists, who
are about as UN-Christian as people can get! SEE:


http://www.Egalitarian.biz/USA-Chr-Non-Relig--1990-2008-2026Proj.html ]]]

Fascinating the level of hate and stupidity being displayed almost routine-
ly on American college campuses lately. Maybe our nation needs fewer
colleges and better students? Education may help to overcome ignorance,
but you just can't fix stupid. And we have a lot of stupid in this country,
both on and off college campuses.

-- Posted by: Bob R | Apr 14, 2011 12:03:13 PM

May be hate, may just be stupid kids thinking that they are funny to cause
ruckus. In any case, it's not funny whatsoever, and I hope the people who
committed this act are caught.

-- Posted by: Francis | Apr 14, 2011 2:27:00 PM

I can't figure out why cameras are not trained on these displays immedi-
ately after putting them up. Once, just once, I'd like to see these vandals
(assholes) caught red-handed regardless if it's a stupid frat-boy joke or
not, and see someone get expelled and held accountable for their actions.
I guess we just don't bother anymore.

-- Posted by: christopher | Apr 14, 2011 2:38:27 PM

The fact that it happened before should of been considered. Like flying the
flag from the roof of the main campus building.The person or persons who
committed this act, may have thought that the Flag was some kind of trophy.
It is not, and should be thought of for what it is.. a symbol of Gay Pride.
I recommend, for next year Gay Pride Flag armbands be given to all students
and faculty to show their respect for fellow gays on campus by wearing them
during PRIDE WEEK.

-- Posted by: Jerry Pritikin aka The Bleacher Preacher |4-15-11.

[[[ That last sentence, above, is a GREAT suggestion -- to enable
the student body to EMPHASIZE their *solidarity* in behalf of
common sense and FAIRNESS! ]]]
(¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.TravelForPay.org>
2011-08-01 14:31:13 UTC
[[[ DISREGARD the LYING and HATEFUL subject header above,
written by a Submoronic Bigot who calls Itself "Bill Taylor"
and a Plethora of Sockpuppets. The ACTUAL article below
REPLACES the one containing his hateful FORGERIES! ]]] --

= = = = = = = = = =

On Mon, 1 Aug 2011 16:12:46 +0300,
You reveal more about your own damage then you know.
Wrong again. AND -- I am very happy NOT to be a cravenly-
anonymous COWARD like *you*, bigot.

Previous post follows:

= = = = = = = = = =

On Mon, 1 Aug 2011 05:10:39 +0300,
(¯`·.¸ Craig Chilton ¸.·´¯)
<His *forged* CRAP has been flushed.
The original article is provided below.> ---

Reassemble this, if necessary:

Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.TravelForPay.org>
Gay Pride Flag Stolen, Flagpole Vandalized,
at University of Maine
This week the University of Maine kicked off its annual LGBTQ Pride
Week with the raising of a rainbow flag in the school's mall. Shortly
thereafter, someone bent the flag pole, ripped off the flag, and
stole it.
[[[ Thus providing society that BIGOTS are POND SCUM, and
that their hate-agendas need to be sent down the Drain
of EXTINCTION to join those of the segregationists, never
to be heard from again -- ASAP!! ]]]
Post by (¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.TravelForPay.org>
According to a post from group member and fifth-year psychology
student Charles Chapin on the “Announcements & Alerts” folder of
the university's FirstClass network, there [was] another flag-raising
ceremony at 12 p.m. Tuesday.
“This act of vandalism, at first, may seem like some drunken joke.
The truth of the matter is that whether or not the perpetrators know
this, this is an attack on a group of students and an entire community,”
Chapin wrote. “Please come out and show everyone that UMaine will
not stand for this type of intolerance. We hope to see you all there.”
The flag is raised for one week during every semester — in the fall
for “Coming Out Week” and in the spring for Pride Week.
Keep posting your demented bullshit to promote killing of our unborn
children while Moslems are breading like cocroaches and populating the
What a brainfucked USA trator you are !!!
How does one "bread" like a "cocroach?"
What's a trator?
Oh wait. Yes. Right. It's the uneducated like yourself who propagate
such lies and bigotry. You don't know better.
My bad.
Carry on being the good christian you think you are.
I think intelligent people know what I want to say.
They certainly DO. And you are living up very WELL to your
role here in Usenet as a LAUGHINGSTOCK. LOL!!!
You FAILED. All you did was make even MORE of a laughable
ass of yourself.

<flush moronic and bigoted swill>

Bigotry and intelligence are mutually exclusive.

(Translation for a DOLT like you: That means that
they NEVER go together.)
Sorry for my dislexia (or whatever they call it). I am disabled
on many ways, but I can think.
Perhaps. But if you believe that THINKING isn't that in which
you are the MOST deficient, you are delusional.
Telling the truth is not a bigotry.
Precisely. That's why bigots are on a FAST TRACK to relegating
their hate-agendas to the bottom of the Drain of EXTINCTION, to
join those of the *equally*-moronic segregationists -- NEVER to be
heard from again.

NO facts even EXIST to support the hate agendas of those who
are IGNORANT and irrational enough to be bigots: lowlifes like you.
Gramatical errors are not relevant to education except for
teachers of English language.
And OFTEN to HELP folks *reaffirm" that they are seeing the
swill spewed by DOLTISH bigots.
I am sure that I am well educated.
You really ARE delusional! Most WELL-educated people want
NOTHING to do with bigoted hate-agendas.
If you want to continue conversation with me, I can write in 7
other languages.
And probably MANGLE those at least as badly.

Too bad you didn't spend the time that you wasted on learning
all of those languages (since English now is pretty much a UNIVER-
SAL, common-denominator language in most of the world) INSTEAD,
on becoming a valuable-to-society EGALITARIAN.
Which language is your second choice apart from English?
How is your Icelandic?
My bad.
Carry on being the good Christian you think you are.
From your other posts I am aware that you are an atheist
and homosexual.
IF so, there's nothing at all whatsoever wrong with that!
Roman Catholics have the longest tradition of promoting values
from 10 Commandments.
...but screwed that all up by generating hordes of UN-scriptural
and humanly-concocted, *phony-baloney* DOGMAS with which to
intimidate and control their billion cash-cow lemmings; the RCC *Cult*.
If all people respect only 10 Commandments, the Earth would
be Heaven...
No. But it would be a better place than it is now.

To make it FAR better, humanity needs to DISPOSE of ALL
of its *bigotries* and *busybodyism.*
For me, homosexual or adultery style of living is not acceptable.
Then don't be BORN the former, or PRACTICE the latter.

That which OTHER people are or do is NONE of *your* business
unless it directly causes you any harm.
God created Adam and Eve to live together with His blessing
until one of them die.
That's probably where AESOP got his idea to write *his*
fables -- which ALSO included talking animals.

<remaining IDIOTIC ranting and raving flushed>

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

-- Craig Chilton (E-Mail me if you wish, from top 6 websites below.)

http://www.LayoffRemedy.com -- Unemployment Solution!
http://www.ChristianEgalitarian.com -- Fight the hateful RRR Cult!
http://apifar.blogspot.com -- Tactics: Defending Human Rights
http://pro-christian.blogspot.com -- Exposing RRR Cult Bigotry
http://www.shadowandillusion.com -- Learn "The LOPAQUA Secret!"
http://www.TravelForPay.org -- BRAND-NEW 2011 Edition!
http://www.rhrealitycheck.org/print/14481 -- Excellent article!
http://base8.lavenderliberal.com/index.html -- Searchable Database
of the Proposition Hate (8) ENEMIES of Human Rights! KNOW the
enemies... and then HARASS and BOYCOTT the enemies, as much
as it is legally possible to do so!
Paul Duca (tomservo56954@comcast.net)
2011-08-02 16:53:37 UTC
         written by a Submoronic Bigot who
         calls Itself "(¯`·.¸ Craig Chilton ¸.·´¯) "   ]]]
                          = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
<His *forged* CRAP has been flushed.
Keep posting your demented bullshit to promote killing of our unborn
children while Moslems are breading like cocroaches and populating the
What a brainfucked USA trator you are !!!
Get a man with money between this bitch's legs and shut her up!!!

(¯`·.ž Craig Chilton ž.·Ž¯) <http://www.TravelForPay.org>
2011-08-04 14:45:13 UTC
[[[ DISREGARD the LYING and HATEFUL subject header above,
written by a Submoronic Bigot. The ACTUAL article is below. ]]]

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

On Sun, 31 Jul 2011 15:30:05 +0200,
(aka "Leroy Blue") <***@zoomcom.ca>
PARROTED and Partially FORGED:

<His *forged* CRAP has been flushed.
The original article is provided below.> ---


Reassemble this, if necessary:


Gay Pride Flag Stolen, Flagpole Vandalized,
at University of Maine

This week the University of Maine kicked off its annual LGBTQ Pride
Week with the raising of a rainbow flag in the school's mall. Shortly
thereafter, someone bent the flag pole, ripped off the flag, and
stole it.

[[[ Thus providing society that BIGOTS are POND SCUM, and
that their hate-agendas need to be sent down the Drain
of EXTINCTION to join those of the segregationists, never
to be heard from again -- ASAP!! ]]]

The Maine Campus reports:

According to a post from group member and fifth-year psychology
student Charles Chapin on the “Announcements & Alerts” folder of
the university's FirstClass network, there [was] another flag-raising
ceremony at 12 p.m. Tuesday.

“This act of vandalism, at first, may seem like some drunken joke.
The truth of the matter is that whether or not the perpetrators know
this, this is an attack on a group of students and an entire community,”
Chapin wrote. “Please come out and show everyone that UMaine will
not stand for this type of intolerance. We hope to see you all there.”

The flag is raised for one week during every semester — in the fall for
“Coming Out Week” and in the spring for Pride Week.

More from:



Something similar happened at my undergrad university here in Ontario --
twice. The police and university's response? "Maybe it was a queer
student who wanted the flag for themselves."

-- Posted by: Andrew F | Apr 14, 2011 11:06:56 AM

Hmm. The Christians are at it again.

-- Posted by: Danny | Apr 14, 2011 11:23:17 AM

[[[ Actually, that would be the loathsome RRR Cultists, who
are about as UN-Christian as people can get! SEE:


http://www.Egalitarian.biz/USA-Chr-Non-Relig--1990-2008-2026Proj.html ]]]

Fascinating the level of hate and stupidity being displayed almost routine-
ly on American college campuses lately. Maybe our nation needs fewer
colleges and better students? Education may help to overcome ignorance,
but you just can't fix stupid. And we have a lot of stupid in this country,
both on and off college campuses.

-- Posted by: Bob R | Apr 14, 2011 12:03:13 PM

May be hate, may just be stupid kids thinking that they are funny to cause
ruckus. In any case, it's not funny whatsoever, and I hope the people who
committed this act are caught.

-- Posted by: Francis | Apr 14, 2011 2:27:00 PM

I can't figure out why cameras are not trained on these displays immedi-
ately after putting them up. Once, just once, I'd like to see these vandals
(assholes) caught red-handed regardless if it's a stupid frat-boy joke or
not, and see someone get expelled and held accountable for their actions.
I guess we just don't bother anymore.

-- Posted by: christopher | Apr 14, 2011 2:38:27 PM

The fact that it happened before should of been considered. Like flying the
flag from the roof of the main campus building.The person or persons who
committed this act, may have thought that the Flag was some kind of trophy.
It is not, and should be thought of for what it is.. a symbol of Gay Pride.
I recommend, for next year Gay Pride Flag armbands be given to all students
and faculty to show their respect for fellow gays on campus by wearing them
during PRIDE WEEK.

-- Posted by: Jerry Pritikin aka The Bleacher Preacher |4-15-11.

[[[ That last sentence, above, is a GREAT suggestion -- to enable
the student body to EMPHASIZE their *solidarity* in behalf of
common sense and FAIRNESS! ]]]
2011-08-08 00:03:02 UTC
[[[ DISREGARD the LYING and HATEFUL Craig Chilton ]]]
Total nonsense and totally off topic in the groups you are spamming.

Get a life !
