Get your facts straight!
(too old to reply)
Fredric L. Rice
2004-05-29 06:06:55 UTC
Hell, now I'm a Christian. As if I didn't have enough expenses.
I believe the person's complaint is about a number of text files
I put on the web:


It's amuzing that the guy assumes I'm a Christian for some reason
in email that has the title, "Get your facts straight" commenting
on text files I didn't write. }:-}


From: "Jennifer Samuel" <***@sbcglobal.net>
To: <***@skeptictank.org>
Subject: Get your facts straight
Date: Tue, 25 May 2004 22:51:01 -0500

I read your work on Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille. Do you care to speak the
truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? Get your facts straight.
This is a shame to Christianity when people cannot get facts straight. Is
this on purpose? Really how can you say you are a Christian and not tell
the whole truth? What are you afraid of or hiding? Just telling it like
it is. The truth will set you free so at least get your facts straight and
hold account to God. He is not stupid. God bless.


From: "Jennifer Samuel" <***@sbcglobal.net>
To: <***@skeptictank.org>
Subject: Another thing please
Date: Tue, 25 May 2004 22:54:35 -0500

If you call yourself a Christian then quit slanting facts to communicate
slanderous lies. How is this a Christian deed? Where did the Lord Jesus
Christ slant truth to a lie when confronting his critics? This is a
service to the Adversary, the devil and not to the True God and Father of
the Lord Jesus Christ. No lie is of the truth. God bless

Scientology tries to disrupt terrorist attacks relief efforts: http://www.cosvm.org/
George W. Bush's latest policy: "No Child Left Untortured Act."
W. Syme
2004-05-29 06:15:48 UTC
Post by Fredric L. Rice
Hell, now I'm a Christian. As if I didn't have enough expenses.
I believe the person's complaint is about a number of text files
I'll never understand those losers that email to websites.
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. (1 Thessalonians 5:21)
W. Syme (pseudonym), European, non-native English speaker, "soft" atheist.
Email will not be read.
Graham Kennedy
2004-05-29 07:17:10 UTC
Post by W. Syme
Post by Fredric L. Rice
Hell, now I'm a Christian. As if I didn't have enough expenses.
I believe the person's complaint is about a number of text files
I'll never understand those losers that email to websites.
Hey, I het half a dozen people a day emailing me from my website.
99.9% of them are nice people who just want to say thanks for
doing it.
Graham Kennedy

Creator and Author,
Daystrom Institute Technical Library
2014-10-07 09:24:06 UTC
Please Check it out factbunny.com
