Loony fringe . . .
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Daniel Mullarkey
2014-12-19 18:51:21 UTC
It appears that terrorists and other extremists typically represent what some might call the loony fringe of whatever cause that they claim that they represent.
Steve Wilson
2015-03-15 08:56:48 UTC
Post by Daniel Mullarkey
It appears that terrorists and other extremists typically represent what some
might call the loony fringe of whatever cause that they claim that they represent.
When it comes to Islam, I think the Western media is trying to mislead
the general population. By constantly using the term 'extremists' they
are trying to convince us that violent groups such as ISIS (daesh), the
Taliban, Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram are neither representative of Islam or
true Muslims. The implication we are supposed to accept is that true
Islam is a peaceful religion. However if one takes the time to read
through the Koran, it is clear that Muhammad was a violent man who
prescribed violence for the propagation of his new faith. There are
indeed peaceful Muslims, who use the Koran selectively, but to say Islam
is a peaceful religion is pure propaganda. It is propaganda because the
violent Muslims find plenty in Muhammad's teachings to confirm that
using violence is true Islam. To any thinking person it is clear that
Islam is the next totalitarian ideology which is going to sweep away the
failing secular West.

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